Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tools #4 Moving Up to the Clouds!

Today I added a copy of the curriculum night letter we put on the students' desks for their parents to see. I then posted it on Google Docs for the teachers to view whenever they need to use it. Now I will not have to email them with an attachment for them. They can just go to Google Docs and find it there. It is now in the clouds!

Tools # 3 Finding Online Video and Image Resources!

Today I learned how to embed a video. http://www.khanacademy.org/ is an incredible site to visit. Here is a video that teaches 2X2 digit multiplication. Enjoy! When sharing videos and sites, you need to make sure you carefully read the copy right rules and laws. Be professionally responsible. Also, I added a Drop Box in which I can drop pictures in as i search the web and find pictures for possible Flip Charts I may want to make in Science and math. This is also great to fill up a box full of pictures for my students to use for possible power points that may want to make and share with the class.

Tool 2: Building Community in the Online Environment!

Tool  #2
Today I visited 5 sites:
1. Craddock's Creations where I visited a new link called Science Teacher. Will go back to Science Teacher during the school year. I also commented on her blog.
2.Greens Gab
3. Mrs. Mayer's Blog
4. Downham's Space
5. Jane's Art Stuff
 Nice blogs Ladies! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

 A site that I suggest  science teachers  go to  a lot for great videos is Discovery Education.  Make sure your School district has an account with them because you will need to have a password to it.

 I do not mind building an on line community. For the past 3 years, I have enjoyed blogging with my students and their parents. I look forwards to  hearing from other teachers, visiting their blogs and seeing what neat discoveries they have made out there in the cyber world that will enhance their teaching as well as mine.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tools #1 Getting Started - Creating your Blog!

Please go and visit my  other blog at www.Mrsjanaceksclass.blogspot.com. I started it 3 years ago. I use in my classroom at a math or science station. IT has  science and math websites for you students to go to  for research and to play games. For the first half of every school year, I post the weekly homework assignments. This is useful for both my students as well as their parents. This keeps the parents informed. My students also have their younger siblings  visiting some of their  younger siblings playing on these math sites. Click on the link below! Enjoy!
Janacek's News